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How long does it take Google AdSense to approve?

How long does it take Google AdSense to approve?

How long does it take Google AdSense to approve?

Once your application is approved, it might begin showing ads on your journal begin creating cash. If you don’t get any reply from Google AdSense team among four-eight hours, it might take four days, if not in four days it might take seven days to induce approval.

How do I know if AdSense is approved?
Check if your site is eligible for Matched content

1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
2. In the left navigation panel, click Settings.
3. Click My sites.
4. Under “My sites”, click Matched content. If you don’t see Matched 5.content below “My sites” then you’re not presently eligible to use 6.Matched content
7. On the “Matched content” page, check to check if your web site is listed:

How to Get Google Adsense Approval Within a few Days
1. Buy and use a custom name, e.g. your-domain.com
2. Create a site-specific email address, example name@your-domain.com.
3. Add legal pages like concerning, Contact, Privacy.
4. Ensure you use a clean straightforward style.
5. Do not use different ads.
6. Have a minimum of 10-15 literate diary posts with distinctive content.

Why my AdSense account is not approved?

Google AdSense has some strict account approval policies, and one amongst them is weblog ought to be six months previous. … If your BlogSpot account incorporates enough range of post (minimum 20+) then it’s simple to urge your AdSense account approved. If you've got a personal domain and host probabilities of AdSense approval square measure terribly high.

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